Ans: VETport – is a Sound Foundation for the Veterinary Hospital:
A veterinary practice starting up could be a small home service, mobile practice,
small to large brick and mortar practice that could be focused on general medicine
or could be a specialist practice or then a practice wanting to grow to into a chain of
All these practices have one thing in common that they are being built for the future
and with the intention of being around for a number of decades. Therefore they
should choose technology that will be able to help them not only address their
current needs but also that of the future.
The misconception is that you need something basic when you are starting up – No
that is not the case as change is painful and access to all the features is very
important as needs grow in time. Further when you are buying out an old practice,
unless you change the way the older practice works, one will never be able improve
the revenues of the old business. VETport holds the key to that change.
A startup ought to choose Internet and Cloud based technologies to start with –
This ensures that they are technology current and this also brings to the table a
number of advantages as a result viz: Lower Cost of Ownership, No tech staff to hire,
Accessible from anywhere on any device, No large Servers, complex Operating
Systems and networking to manage, Scalable very quickly,
VETport is driven by it’s powerful EMR which helps build a detailed medical record
very quickly.
Detailed Medical records are the need of today and the future.
VETport delivers Veterinary Medicine at the Speed of Light.
VETport helps define and modify process by the practice for all to follow. This helps
build intellectual property over time with intelligence burnt into technology. This is
working towards a decision support system
VETport helps improve and automate Client Communications. Lets demo to show
you how.
Depth of functionality: – VETport is loaded with innovative functionality designed
to deliver that wow experience. The online and in-house lab integration, sms
integration, patient portal, label printing, image and any file storage, image editing
using a browser, send image via email from your phone, powerful reminder logic
for any plan, visit follow up, payment gateway, full text search on the medical
record, integrated inventory management and boarding make it a comprehensive
Predefined Data i.e. Species specific complaints, exam forms, assessments, drugs,
non drugs, services, lab reports, radiology reports, surgery and anesthesia forms. So
clinic is up and running fast...
Low cost of Ownership in a monthly pay as you go model. All features are
delivered upfront and users can grow into
The advantages of VETport as you see go much beyond just Web and
Cloud. VETport is Open, Flexible, Fast, Reliable, Scalable, Secure and is
Continuously Improving. At the same time it is affordable.
Last but not the least - Very satisfied User Group -and is built for the Veterinarian
and Practice Owner who is in continuous pursuit of excellence
Register Today: Plumb’s
Online for VETport Users:
Please see the following
video for a brief overview of this great resource:
Today we are releasing
Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook Online powered by VETport within VETport.
Plumb's online employs
ground breaking technology to produce the most digitally advanced veterinary
reference available today.
VETport users will have
access both in and outside of VETport. Within VETport there will be integration
with the formulary - a value added feature available to VETport users.
In the veterinary theater, the exam room is center stage and requires an ever increasing attention to detail. The staging of this environment will positively or negatively affect the clients' perception of the veterinary experience. The use of computers in this setting is critical to real time record keeping (EMR or Electronic Medical Record). There are many benefits associated with employing computers in the exam room. The few complaints are generally restricted to the diverted focus of the practitioner away from the patient/client and to the computer. There are simple solutions to this complaint. The introduction of computers and conducting the real time EMR will promote an optimal exam room experience. No longer shall the computer be relegated to function solely as a cash register or a tool to manage reminders and reports.
How can we celebrate the new client visit? When a new client comes to the office for the first time, the most dreaded task is all the paper work that is required before even meeting a caregiver. The burden of this task is amplified by the clients' attempts to manage their pet and or children at the same time as they complete the data entry. My thesis suggests taking that task away from the client and placing it on a staff member who will be completely responsible to the client throughout the visit. The continuity of care established by your staff member will be appreciated greatly by the client and color their "First Experience" in a very positive way. Once ushered into the exam room theater, the client may sit and relax while tending to their pet/children. The onus of data entry happens through pleasant questioning conducted by the staff member. There are no issues in reading and transcribing the client's handwriting. Opportunity exists to break down some barriers and enjoy a "soft entry" into the practice culture as demonstrated by the care and concern of the exam room nurse. Picture taking is a great way to bring joy to the moment. Head shots of owners with their pets can be uploaded to the EMR in real time. This is a perfect time to request permission to post those photos to your Facebook gallery. Should the practice require any written release, they may be obtained in the quiet of the exam room. Finally, the client is given a short tour of the practice's website and Facebook page. Keep in mind that the first visit happens only once and making the most positive experience goes along way in creating a foundation of respect for the practice and healthy concern for the client.
Once the basic client/pet demographic data has been collected, the nurse then continues the conversation by reviewing the presenting complaint and completing any history forms (online) that are commensurate with the nature of the visit. For example, history forms should be created for general wellness, puppy/kitten visits, lameness, opthalmic, and other issues. If the client has any records to review, they may be handed off to another team member for scanning and uploading to the EMR. Once the history has been entered, the nurse may continue with a preliminary exam while entering data points and acquiring photos of relevant physical findings. A nurses' exam will engage the client and include them in highlighting the physical findings while posting them to the medical record. If the monitor is wall mounted then the nurse and client can enjoy a shared experience.
The veterinarian enters the exam room after having reviewed the record (including the real time findings). Now the veterinarian becomes the protagonist and conducts an in depth exam, while the nurse is the scribe. The veterinarian's exam should be vocal and will allow both client and nurse to be informed of the doctor's findings at the same time. Once a plan is formulated, the nurse can take over the exam room theater and the doctor may go on to another room. Progress exams or appointments for any procedures should be made in the exam room where "Doctor Power" still reigns.
The entire process is intended to engage the client in a way to enhance transparency in the diagnostic exam and confer a degree of trust not otherwise possible. Today's veterinarian, irrespective of specialty,personal interest, or personality, remains charged with the most important task of being 'the great communicator'. Most all of our problems in practice derive from poor communication, be it between staff and client; doctor and staff; or doctor and client. Not the least of which are the problems derived from our poor communication with our medical record. Electronic medical records implemented in a direct and transparent manner provide the basis for trust between the client and veterinarian.
Robert Spiegel, DVM
Crootof Veterinary Consulting
No real Capital Costs to bear wrt software / server
On the Cloud so no complicated IT to manage – Just plug into
the Internet
Differentiator that will give you the edge – big focus on
caring communications
Low Cost and affordable monthly Fee
Comes pre-loaded with data required with a community that
shares data
One can focus on a few important and critical areas
initially and then focus on more complicated areas as business grows
Built for needs of today, the next 30 years and beyond
Build your intellectual property from day one
VETport subscribes to the TEAM philosophy
- EMR – Electronic Medical Record
(paperless practice)
- Advanced Medical Records Standards, Safety, Quality and Communications
- Superior Workflows
- Improving Standards of Patient Care
- Cloud Technology
- Paperless Practice - Anywhere, Anytime and on Any Device
TEAM Summary of Benefits
- A gold standard medical record (EMR)
- Improved Checks and Balances
- Excellent Teaching tool for Junior Vets, Students & Support Staff
- Helps deliver standardized quality of care
- Improved, Easier & Automated Client Communications
- Transparency of Operations
- Improves the Reminder System
- Better centralized Control
- Improves Data Analysis
- Lowers cost of Ownership
- No high tech IT Infrastructure required
and much more...
email us at sales@vetport.com and we shall send you the presentation
VETport Automates Prescription Creation:
For those who do not know VETport has it’s own inbuilt formulary. This means that VETport can automatically calculates dosage based on the weight of the animal. It also suggest at the time of selection of the plan, which plans are appropriate and which are not based on the species and weight of the animal. When a group plan is loaded VETport prevents the plans that are not appropriate from being loaded. That’s Technology enabled automation for you.
VETport however also allows for handwritten prescriptions which can be stored into the system upfront for reuse or can be built as you use the system. The client communication data can be also be stored in the master database as you use the system
A snap shot of the interface is as under:
Read Atul Gawande's Book on The Checklist Manifesto - Benefits even in Surgery
Use of Checklists originated and was perfected in the airlines industry
If checklist help in emergency situations, think of the potential how we can improve any process with Checklists.
VEtport uses check lists through it's unique SOAP design -
- Group Plans in VETport, linked to complaints, history and Exam findings and even Assessments is a nice way to create a "Check List" of plans and client communications that need to be done
- Assessments Linked to Complaints, a History / Exam Finding is nice way to create a differential diagnosis "Check List" in VETport
- Stock data pre-fed for a specific complaint / Finding is a great way to create a Check List
- Creating Check List into process is a great way to build your own intellectual property in a Medical Practice
- A junior medical practitioner using carefully designed Checklists can deliver the same level of patient care with compared to an experienced practitioner
- Intellectual property built into VETport using checklists will help Scale the size of your medical practice delivering the same level of patient care
- Build your systems so that you can take your practice well into the next decade and beyond with VETport