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Friday, February 3, 2012

Automating Prescription Creation

VETport Automates  Prescription Creation:

For those who do not know VETport has it’s own inbuilt formulary. This means that VETport can automatically calculates dosage based on the weight of the animal. It also suggest at the time of selection of the plan, which plans are appropriate and which are not based on the species and weight of the animal. When a group plan is loaded VETport prevents the plans that are not appropriate from being loaded. That’s Technology enabled automation for you.

VETport however also allows for handwritten prescriptions which can be stored into the system upfront for reuse or can be built as you use the system. The client communication data can be also be stored in the master database as you use the system

A snap shot of the interface is as under:

Using Checklists

Read Atul Gawande's  Book on The Checklist Manifesto - Benefits even in Surgery

Use of Checklists originated and was perfected in the airlines industry

If checklist help in emergency situations, think of the potential how we can improve any process with Checklists.

VEtport uses check lists through it's unique SOAP design -

  • Group Plans in VETport, linked to complaints, history and Exam findings and even Assessments is a nice way to create a "Check List" of plans and client communications that need to be done
  • Assessments Linked to Complaints, a History / Exam Finding is nice way to create a differential diagnosis "Check List" in VETport
  • Stock data pre-fed for a specific complaint / Finding is a great way to create a Check List
  • Creating  Check List into process is a great way to build your own intellectual property in a Medical Practice
  • A junior medical practitioner using carefully designed Checklists can deliver the same level of patient care with compared to an experienced practitioner
  • Intellectual property built into VETport using checklists will help Scale the size of your medical practice delivering the same level of patient care
  • Build your systems so that you can take your practice well into the next decade and beyond with VETport
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